The Reflection Of Eid Adha

Hello everyone I've been trapped in lazyness situation. so yeah I don't writing what have just happened.
4 days ago was Eid Adha yeah Eid Adha was on 15th October, 2013. This years Eid Adha is more different than last years. I got a new experience. I got a new knownledge and that's why I know the reflection of Eid Adha.

Let's understanding this all about~

As definition on Arabic Idul is return or back and Adha is be more close. So Eid Adha here means time for returning to Allah and we can more close to Allah. How can we close to Allah? Nah, we should do qurban. what's qurban? Qurban is activity that chopping an animal qurban. The animal can be cow, goat, camel, and buffalo. There are characteristic in each animal. The animal will become your syafa'at (helper) when u gotta enter the heaven door. The animal also will become your indicator to go to heaven. What a perfect! :)
Before qurban we have to pray Idul Adha first. and from 10 untill 13 Dzulhijjah is called 'tasyrik days'. we can't do fasting just enjoying the happiness with families <3 It's all about MEAT PARTY!! haha :D
and when 9 dzulhijjah comes we are suggested to do Arafah fasting 'cause jama'ah haji is doing wukuf in Arafah so who aren't do wukuf suggested to do fasting. My dad was doing wukuf this year. <3

"Barang siapa melakasanakan puasa Arafah maka dosa-dosa setahun yang lalu dan yang akan datang akan diampuni." (H.R Bukhari)

How's the history of all this activity?

A good question :D every habit there are histories behind them. Would you love to know?? I hope so. History is so interesting to study actually but I hate history lesson.. I mean the teacher I don't know right -_-

OK! Qurban came from Nabi Ibrahim RA and the soon Nabi Ismail RA. I think this story is so gloomy and fit to be became example all human beings.
Nabi Ibrahim was waiting a soon for about 35 years (I forget but it took a long times to wait). After passing a long years finally Allah gave him a soon. What a patient one! One day, Nabi Ibrahim dreamed. In his dream Allah said that he has to sacrifice his soon by killing him softly.  he told to Ismail, and Ismail said "If that command from Allah, let's do that. Never mind." as an obey moeslem Nabi Ibrahim did that.
The next day, Ismail was laying on the ground when Ibrahim looked at him so deeply and a sharp knife was on Ibrahim's hand. There was like praying there... and... Jibril (angel) came suddenly from a distance. Malaikat Jibril brought a goat. and Nabi Ismail was replaced by goat. Jibril said "You are an obey moeslem. Allah just do test to you." That's why goat is made an animal qurban untill now.


we have to be more parient. we have to be an obey moeslem. Do all Allah is commanded to us and avoid all prohibtion. in every difficulity there are more simplicity in the end. Just pray and work hard <3
