Diary Lebaran #1 | Masjid Agung Al-Aqsha Klaten

Hi, readers.
Finally we are meeting Eid Mubarak again this year. Alhamdulillah.

So, in Indonesia we call this moment "lebaran". Lebaran in Indonesia is so glorious and colorful.
Basically, we head back to our hometown to meet again our big family after all the business which were done at the center town. This activity called "mudik". It is clear that there are so many special traditions like the food, the giving money each other part, the traffic, and the transportation. In the lebaran moment, all the workers have day-off for about a week.

Yet, my family don't do mudik this year. We are just in Solo and go around.
First day of lebaran, I have a chance to visit Aqsa Mosque-the biggest mosque of Klaten- after I visited my step grand mother in the Klaten city and ate at Bakso Tengkleng(my family all time favorite) near Alun-Alun Klaten. Klaten is about one hour from Solo or Jogja. So, Klaten is the center of Solo-Jogja.

The mosque is so really breathtaking yet for a new building I am quite upset that the construction has been broken. I am sorry to say that the toilet is messy enough. (Ps : I am going to tell with some bad quality pictures. If you want to know more, just be patient. If you aren't patient person then you don't have to read XD)
This is the big door. Issued that it's imitating Nabawi Mosque's door.
In the front of mosque, you will find not so glamour water fountain. (I didn't take the pictures because the bad quality camera that I have). The mosque has a quite big yard. You will need go up stairs a little bit and viola the door is seen.

Go up stairs again to reach the main place for praying.
another version
If you turn around, you will see this
Main place to pray
BEDUG! is on the left side of the main place.
And beside it, there are stairs to go second floor.

The cool rooftop!

Thank you

Special bonus : family selfies. BOOM!
