This time is such a nice way to start making
a really writing and thought.
As I have already been in college
life for about a month and half, I feel
big difference compare to my study before which is senior high school. For those
who asking(If there are some), I am studying at English education department.
So, today’s writing is no longer only about practicing but also something that
I must responsible at such as thinking more about my grammar, spelling,
punctuation, diction, and also the content yet whatever the theory says, I will
just write it.
A campus is like the representative of a
country and government. College activity is the real meaning of life. There are
a lot of people from across the cities in Indonesia that means they bring their
own culture, language, and may be religion. (The reason why I put may be
because Indonesian are mostly moeslem so it’s not often to meet someone from
other religion but the probability is still exist). Diversity is actually a big
matter in Indonesia. Indonesia is large, there are so many islands, that’s why
Indonesia created this country into concept of “kebhinekaan”(pluralism). The
slogan itself is “Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu jua” – in a diversity we are
still one or united. Indonesia really teaches
us how to be tolerant with others yet some of Indonesian still don’t catch
the meaning and do real action towards the slogan. In that case, disintegration in Indonesia can’t be prevented.
I am trying to adapt to this new environment that everybody has their own
specific idealism and point of view. It is my job to build nice relation among
my friends and also my lecturers by understanding them well. Mixing the Islamic
tolerant concept which states your matter is yours and my matter is mine and psychology side that
we have to do sympathy and empathy in public relation is a way to communicate
well for me. For example, when I argue with my friends about the position of
the female Imam when praying together, the A said this and the B said that,
this is the time to understand that every person has their own teacher or
example in studying Islam and every person has their own ability to interpret the
Koran and As-sunnah. As far as it doesn’t violate the monotheism concept that
only Allah SWT is the majority of God, it is just okay. There was also time for
me to show my sensibility, sympathy, and empathy when someone told me that
their parents didn’t have enough money to pay the
school fee so my friend was working at night which it is a condition when she
can’t sleep at night and going to school at the morning. It makes me being more
grateful, gifted, and realizing me that I am such a lucky person, I still can ask
pocket money to my parents effortlessly. It makes me inquiring why I am sad in
such a situation if there is a person like her still lives happily. In addition, every lecturer has their own personality and style, it triggers me to use my sensibility for facing the different atmosphere from class to class.
The art of understanding person’s personality is fun and
interesting. The future teachers(my major) also need this kind of material to
understand the students better. For instance, I feel that campus life is brand new
exciting chapter.
See you on the next nice post ;)
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