"If you can't stand to the exhaustment of study, then you have to deal with the pain of stupidity." Imam Syafi'i
Quote above is to show the awareness for learning brand new something. So, I encouraged myself to join an international workshop that actually turned out into a seminar I think. At first, I was shy to enter the room because of so many experts and seniors from my major. What make I think twice again about coming such agenda, the fact that we should hear and speak in English which finally I enjoyed it so much.
This is the first international workshop held by English Language Education Study Program Association (APSPBI) of IAIN Surakarta. International Workshop on English Education(27/07) focuses on what English teachers should develop. This event took place at PPG building of IAIN Surakarta from 9.30 AM until 2.30 PM.
I got a chance to hear from Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D as the president of APSPBI Indonesia and Prof. Fan Gabriel Fang, Ph.D from Shantou University, China.
There are some new aspects that I learn today. Firstly, it is from Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D material called "Reflective Learning on Teachers". I learnt that teacher's identity and integrity is more essentials than teacher's knowledge. So that, teachers should learn humanistic values rather than knowledge in class. Millenials can learn by themselves by browsing in website as technology develops nowadays. There, Google/YouTube, wonderful things come from. So the question is, what is the teachers role then? Yep, teachers should learn attitude or humanistic values. It can't be said that character education takes short time. It takes longer time to teach and give example moral values than knowledge. Additionally, being an assertive (state honestly about what we believe) is better than being pragmatic teacher. The joy to teach students leads to professionalism also. Secondly, I got inspiration from the second speaker Prof. Fan Gabriel Fang, Ph.D who delivered 2 materials. At first, it is about the important to teach vocabulary in English development continuously World Englishes and English as Lingua Franca. What I can conclude is firstly we have to consider as teachers of English as foreign language is World Englishes. Everybody speaks with own accent just because local influence. Moreover, a non-native speaker doesn't need to be forced to learn a 'correct' form as well as native speaker. The purpose here are to make us don't easily judge what is right and correct English anymore and students are brave enough to start speaking even with the local accents. Yet the importance of learning standard native English is still related to face the global era. Furthermore, the fact English is a global language so that it means English purpose as communication media and doesn't belong only to native speaker country (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland) only. Everyone whatever the nationalism is can speak with it as a way to build understanding around the world. So, speaking English isn't about pride only. Written at Gabriel presentation file, it is monolinguistics class which a condition if you know English, you have more oppurtinities and being compatitive. But hey! As a teacher, we have to realize for demonstrating that English as an easy communication tool and belonging to every race.
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Asking photo with Mr. Gabriel Fang |
"You may learn not only in class but also seminar, workshop, hearing someone's experience, etc. " -Best Regards, Fatiha NY.
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