"James Pennebaker, researcher from Psychology Department of Texas University, states that writing journal/diary can strengthen our immune system. (Source : CNN Indonesia Student)"
“All I know, I do the same things every day.” Have you ever felt boring to your daily routine? Yeah, morning and night pass by. The sun sets up and down. We wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. Problem and solution are required. That’s life which can’t be changed. But, a daily journaling will be very good idea. Journaling is the way to write down every experience or event you see, hear, and feel in chronological order. Moreover, Journal (n) based on Merriam Webster Dictionary means several yet there are two that I look for. First, it is a book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts. Second, it is a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest. Then, I will break down a bit here why journaling is important at least for me.
To me, writing gives me energy. The energy comes by memories that I’ve written. The energy here means how I am able to appreciate life. How a journal can make you grateful? Your day may be a classic one but the better you retell on your journal that’s the time you better know how to interpret your life. Take an example, I took some photographs last week around my city center where is Slamet Riyadi. I went there because I wanted to see the new paintings and walked a little bit. I thought “again and again” since I pass it every morning. Everyone knows that’s literally boring activity. On the other hand, I interpreted my journey by writing a message “Until then, I don’t even know better my own small city.” How I give values to my story, that’s when I grateful to Allah.
Secondly, there are so much things left unspoken or unwritten. However, they have a big impact to our life. They may give so many lessons if we tell and write them. Again an example, my parents don’t do journaling but they tell me some stuffs especially on how they survive in this cruel life. I wrote some of their stories to simply find lessons by it. There is an Islamic figure’s proverb that says “Tie knowledge by writing it.” That’s the fact. We can’t acknowledge by any lesson if we don’t write it. You may say you have understood to the case you hear today but no one will guarantee you will remember tomorrow or even a half day later. Short-term memory has a very limited capacity. Scientists believe most people can retain information about roughly seven things for no more than 20-30 seconds in short-term memory. Keep something in short-term memory by repeating it to yourself in order to keep resetting the clock for the short-term memory of that item. In the end, you try to make your brain become emptier by writing a journal. You don’t need to fully remembering for yourself. You have a bunch piece of paper to write it down your journey, idea, or story.
In another word, by writing a journal you can express your honest feelings and ideas. Since when we speak face to face, we can’t hide our face expressions. Thus, we much prefer to pretend being okay to tell our sorrow in speaking communication. In contrast, we type anything in writing communication just because we are able to hide our personality. Every idea or opinion will be read by anyone. We get attention to be understood.
In conclusion, writing journal is highly-recommended. It makes human be more grateful, less brain burden, and express feelings honestly. We can start by doing monthly-journal if you think journal in day is so hard. We can write it on our phone note, any book you bring, blog, or laptop (something that is approachable).
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I have my own cheesy diary books back then. Ikr, they aren't good examples. Thus, check below :) |
Do you still hesitate to write journal? No more worry. Raditya Dika, a millionaire popular writer, started his carrier by doing something he loves. It is writing a diary on his blog. Until then, he compiled it into a book titled “Kambing Jantan”. It became best-seller around Indonesia. A M A Z I N G! Don’t judge this simple activity. It gives a lot of impact, one of some is popularity.
Another example is a best-seller book that has been sold for about 33 million copies and translated into 6 languages. It is “Anne Frank : The Diary of A Young Girl” which makes us think how everything messed up in World War II atmosphere. Anne Frank with her families as Jews and lived in German really knew how cruel Nazim Rezi was. Anne Frank wrote her story at very young age, it was 13.
Most importantly, all of historians especially Muslim Historian who made their life worth to live since they had been spending time to write Sirah Nabawiyyah (Prophet’s journey). They didn’t only write, they made history so that the moment lives until now.
And so many more. Don’t just see, start writing yours and be a part to make history.
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