Hi. Meet me again with me Fatiha. I am in condition that still can't move on from my previous program called International Model United Nations Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I was so happy that finally I was able to achieve my one of my dreams : GOING ABROAD! I was happier that I could go abroad not only due to travelling but also doing academically related which was conference. I have once heard quote by the founder of Global Challenge UNS from UNS International Office Seminar "I challenge all of you to sign up global challenge where a chance to go abroad for college student purpose." In Indonesia, we will say Jalan Jalan Ke Luar Negeri Ala Mahasiswa, a term to say going abroad for conference, summer course, competition, research, and internship. Speaking personally, I am not sponsored by IO of UNS yet I do inspired by a lot of seminars from them that I joined.
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I went there with Mbak Diah (my senior at CAKEP Indonesia Chapter Solo) Actually, we didn't plan to join the same event. How travel partner destiny worked :) |
These four days and 3 nights on 13rd-16th April experiences were literally my first-time to all from booking hotel, changing money, having an aircraft flight, networking internationally, speaking in international event, having gala dinner in 5-star hotel, learning table manner, until travelling by my own shake which is something I have hardly ever done before. Call me a nerd but I was so.
Recently, there were many asking me question like how can I get the program? what are you doing in Malaysia? Most importantly, economy thingy like do you get scholarship? Is it fully-funded program? Last but not least, what is MUN?
That's why I want to clear up a lot of things. In addition, since I don't want to forget my own history the objective I write this is to save all these memories. People love creating history, you know.
One nice afternoon after having a class, I came back home and opened my instagram. As usual, I looked at one by one of my following's stories. I stopped when skinnyfabs (a weird man who is apparently so lit due to his brilliant British accent) posted something related to Global Goals Model United Nations. Well, I was not surprised that skinnyfabs promoted something since he is influencer who open an endorsement. As I remember, I triggered by the word Young Generation Realization 17 Global Goals, international program, and UNITED NATIONS that skinnyfabs wrote in his IG's story.
Just for your information, I am not a Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) activist actually but I do aware about it since it is very the best resolution from United Nations that I have ever heard in the world. Additionally, United Nations takes youth power for achieving the goal. I may explain about SDGs and how MUN Conference works later on.
I swiped it up. Boom! It was the official website. I read the information carefully. I was much more interested to join since the committee wrote like developing leadership skill, writing skill, public speaking skill, critical mind, research ability, networking, and so on. Without further thinking, I clicked "apply" buttom. Then, there was a form. The form consists of 5 pages. Here it is the form like :
1. My biodata (contact person like email and WhatsApp number are important as well as your address)
2. My background of education information (They might see how far the correlation between my major and the forum, I just guess. Basically all major can join. Trust me!)
3. My motivation to join Global Goals Model United Nations (I answered "to develop my public speaking skill", I was very honest about that)
4. My English proficiency (It's not TOEFL/IELTS score, you only answer honestly among bad, enough, good, and advance choices)
5. My Global Goals Focus : I chose Goal Number 4 : Quality Education. Here, you will answer some question regarding your goal like what do you want to achieve? what is your idea/resolution towards the goal? I forget actually. Basically, it tested how far I know about the goal and how good I can achieve my goal. My ideas was about literacy awareness and competency-based approach in learning. Competency-based approach is actually how we learn something into practical field not only knowing about it.
6. My country representative : At that time, I didn't know about what these were for. I entered countries among Asia like Indonesia itself, Thailand, Singapore, China, and Malaysia as I thought that I might know some of their education's system. In another word, I was afraid that I would be assigned to go there by myself so that I chose just near Indonesia. I haven't ready yet to go Europe or America. How dumb I was. That's why you need to READ FIRST to anything. Later on, I knew that it will be my country representative forum. After a lot of things, I got email that my country representative was Romania. So, I should research about Romania's education policy toward literacy and numeracy problem and teacher quality development program. Furthermore, I had to write "position paper" toward the issue before the program began so I knew better for sharing the floor or tell my country ideas and problems in the meeting session. I enjoyed a lot my research time. I read many new things.
Next, I submitted the form and waited the announcement. Alhamdulillah! It was not beyond my imagination that I would get Letter of Acceptance (LOA). I was super duper happy at that night. I told my dad that I would go to Malaysia due to International Conference. Dad answered "cool!". Yet, the problem was about finance. MUN IS ALWAYS SELF-FUNDED PROGRAM, dude! :)
Actually, I knew that the program self-funded right after I done submitting my form. I sought about what is MUN conference after I applied the program hehe. JUST DO IT hype, bro. Then, I came up with an idea "If this works (means that I am accepted), I will challenge myself to get fund and sponsorship." confidently without thinking that it would be very hard.
In the end, I was beyond thankful that I could use my own saving money plus my parents' to be honest to pay something that too good for sale which is EXPERIENCE and SELF DEVELOPMENT. Worth the effort :) I never imagine that I will let my saving money go like this. I used to think that I save money to buy precious things like camera or smartphone but trust me these are more than this.
So, what is MUN Conference? In brief, it is a place to develop your skill ; problem-solving, critical global mind toward issues, research, public speaking, diplomatic, leadership, writing paper, and networking.
Message to remember : In this digital era "YOU ARE WHAT YOU FOLLOW" So, better for you to make social media as platform into its original function which are networking and searching for information. #MakeTimeLineGreatAgainChampaign
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